全球鮭魚市場價格低落衝擊挪威出口產值挪威今年7月水產品出口總產值為65,000萬美元,較去年同期下滑7%(5,000萬美元)。由挪威水產品出口委員會發表的最新數據顯示,挪威今年迄今的水產品出口總產值為54億美元,較去年烤肉同期增加29,700萬美元,刷新出口記錄。挪威7月水產品出口產值下滑主要歸咎於全球鮭魚市場價格低落,然挪威鱈魚等底棲魚類出口量則逆勢成長。 因全球市場出口價格低落,主要銷往法國及俄羅斯的挪威鮭魚今年7月出口產值及膠原蛋白產量分別較去年同期下滑16%(80,000萬美元)及增加3.4%。挪威鮭魚今年迄今的出口產值為32億美元,較去年同期成長13,600萬美元。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 15/2011,16 Aug 2011) FALLING SALMON PRICES HIT 居酒屋NORWEGIAN SEAFOOD EXPORT VALUES The value of exports of Norwegian seafood in July totaled NOK 3.5 billion (US$650 million), a decline of NOK 269 million (US$50 million) or 7% compared to the same month 術後面膜last year. For the year to date, the value of exports of Norwegian seafood totals NOK 29.3 billion (US$5.4 billion), an increase of NOK 1.6 billion (US$297 million) on the same period last year. This 二胎sets a new export record for the period, according to the latest figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council. The reduction in the value of exports of Norwegian seafood in July is attributed 售屋網primarily to lower prices on the world market for salmon. However, at the same time the groundfish sector has shown a positive trend, with record exports of clipfish. The value of exports of Norwegian 西服salmon fell in July by NOK 430 million (US$800 million) or 16% less compared to the same month last year. The reason for this decline is lower export prices on world markets. In the same month, export 信用貸款volume of Norwegian salmon increased by 3.4%. This year to date, the value of exports of Norwegain salmon stands at NOK 17.3 billion (US$3.2 billion), up by NOK 732 million (US$136 million) compared to 節能燈具the same period last year. France and Russia were the biggest export markets for Norwegian salmon.

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